Halloween Image Source Halloween follows the story of a man named Michael Meyers. The story kicks off in Haddonfield Illinois on Halloween night, 1963. A six-year-old Michael Myers brandishes a chef’s knife and stabs his teenage sister Judith to death. As a...
Football fans get ready because we’re just a couple weeks away from the 103rd NFL season. Whether you’re rooting for the Seahawks or the Packers, there’s no better way to kick off the season than with a celebratory smoke sesh. So, the real question...
May the 4th be with you this Star Wars Day as you smoke yourself to a galaxy far far away. To help you celebrate Star Wars Day this year, we’ve compiled a list of the most popular Star Wars-themed strains just for you. Skywalker Alien Image Source Named after...
If you’re a basketball fan then you know all about the big tournament coming up. Stakes are high, but not higher than you’ll be after trying some of the great products on this list. There’s no better way to enjoy watching your team than with some...
Pi Day is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate than lighting up with some delicious pie-flavored strains? For those who may not know, Pi Day is the annual celebration of the mathematical constant pi or π (3.14159265….). Pi Day is celebrated on...
Here at Cinder, we want to make your experience with cannabis as enjoyable as possible. We know that when it comes to smoking weed, we all have to start somewhere (after we’ve hit the legal age of 21). There are plenty of folks out there who have thought about...