Halloween Image Source Halloween follows the story of a man named Michael Meyers. The story kicks off in Haddonfield Illinois on Halloween night, 1963. A six-year-old Michael Myers brandishes a chef’s knife and stabs his teenage sister Judith to death. As a...
Wes Anderson movies are a favorite for many who enjoy his distinct visual style. Many praise Anderson for the unique color palettes and insane intention detail he puts into his movies. Consequently, they are the favorite of many stoners and film junkies alike. The...
Scary Movie season is here once again. Whether you’re looking to get just a slight fright or sleep with the lights on, we’ve got the strains and scary movie recommendations to make your month of macabre a highlight of the year. Not so Scary Movies Best...
Smoking Games: Christmas Edition Christmas time is all about getting together and spending time with your loved ones. What better way to do that than by toking up and watching a Christmas classic? My favorite Christmas classic to tune into every year is Elf (2003)...
The quintessential cult classic. Killer Klowns From Outer Space is the story of a small town that is being terrorized by aliens… that look like clowns. Clowns spelled with a K. This is the kind of movie you see on cable when you’re 10 years old and...
The days are getting shorter and the nights longer, the cannabis leaves are changing color, and the billows of smoke in the air are crisp and refreshing. It must be fall at Cinder. We compiled a list of some of our favorite Halloween films, and we have taken the...