710 | What Is 710 & What Does It Celebrate?
You may have seen stoners saying phrases like “710 friendly” and thought to yourself, “What does that mean?” For a while now, the number 710 has become synonymous with dabbing similar to how 420 has been considered the “weed number”...
Cannabis Mother Plant Guide for Beginners
This Mother’s Day, we’ve got all of the details on how to start, care for, and maintain your very own mother plant! What is a Mother Cannabis Plant? Mother plants are essentially cannabis plants that are constantly kept in the vegetative state in order to...
Terpenes 101 | What Are They & What Do They Do?
If you’ve ever taken a look at the label of your weed jar you might’ve noticed some information listed about terpenes. You may even be familiar with some of the more popular ones like limonene, linalool, myrcene, and so on. But, what do these things mean?...
Microdosing | A Little THC Can Go A Long Way
What is Microdosing? Image Source You’re sure to have heard the term “microdosing” at least once in your life, but what exactly does it mean? Microdosing is when someone takes a dose of something, in this case THC, that is much smaller than the...